Meet Leanne Loveland
Leanne Loveland
Thrift Store Manager
I first joined the board of Lifeline Loddon Mallee to make a positive impact on mental health in our region. Now I have been with the organization for almost a year, I have also come to recognize and be passionate about the amazing service that our volunteers provide to people in crisis all over Australia as well as the amazing supportive community within the center.
I have a Bachelor of Pharmacy and work as a community pharmacist in Bendigo and I recently completed an MBA in 2020. I have held various roles on voluntary committees and organisations through university and in the pharmacy industry however this is my first board role within the wider community.
Lifeline LM is a will be a well-known organization in the Central Victoria and Mallee region. It is the go to organization for mental health training and sector knowledge. Our crisis supporter group has grown and we will continue to have a strong and vibrant community within the center.